Saturday, September 24, 2011

Man On Top - Modern Masculinity

          The times, they are a’ changing for men and modern masculinity. From media’s supposition that men are buffoons or predators, to the reports that boys are dropping out from school on mass, to men’s debilitating fear that they are loosing their quintessential masculine traits because they don’t hunt, fight or go to war like their grandfathers did,  men now are left to figure a lot out on their own. So, some guys are getting waxed, quaffed and manicured, some dudes are learning how to build stuff from scratch, while other brothers are just lonely, sitting in their basements masturbating to online porn.  

            Through my own, uh, experience with the opposite sex, I had my own fair share of disappointments and near murderous encounters to try to understand, love and live with men. All of that provided me with a great deal of ammunition and research as to the trends concerning modern men, gender roles and simple ways to adjust behaviour in order for men to stand tall, be proud and to start consciously living their dreams.

What are men to do?

            And that is what has lead me to here, to a blog, a website, and a book all trying to support men in achieving more meaning and happiness in their own lives, more balance in their relationships and a return to a by-gone era where men were strong, powerful protectors and providers, now with a modern flair.

            Here is the thing, when my girlfriends and cheesy rom-com movies say that men are womanizers, lecherous beasts, manipulators or worse, I always believed two things; that 1) men are simply misunderstood by women and 2) that I genuinely love men. I love the way they smell, their ingenuity, their wicked sex appeal that leaves me weak in the knees. I see that men are struggling to understand where they fit in the world when feminism has left a lot of men without power or purpose. I see men trying to adapt to a whole new set of responsibilities in parenting and domestic duties where previously, that was strictly regarded as women’s work. I see that there a lot of men who are adapting and changing but may not have the in-set support network to guide them through the process. That can be a pretty lonely, humbling process.

What the ladies think

            I believe in your strength and ability. As a woman, I don’t want to have another tequila-fuelled, tear-soaked evening with my girlfriends about how another man did her wrong. I think that with some simple codes of conduct, a little insight as to how our lady minds work and a healthy dose of integrity, kindness and compassion, we can all work to make this world more loving for all of us to live in and celebrate our true masculine and true feminine natures.

A Village of Solidarity

            My desire in writing this blog is to help to form a community of conscious men who are looking to stand side by side with their brothers and “be all they can be”.

            In the weeks that follow, you will find questions and surveys that help to get a better idea of what other men are thinking and doing in today’s changing world. You will find snippets from my book, Man on Top, and the occasional article that will seek to inspire, enlighten, tickle you to move.

            I look forward to your questions and comments. Know I am on your side, here to help you in any way I can, like a big older sister who loves her Bro, and wants to guide him with some essentials on life. Giddy up cowboy, its time to ride.

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